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Help Elect Dr. Jayna

Community Involvement

I have been involved with my community since the day cityhood was approved by the voters. I got involved because I did not want this city to make decisions that affect my life without my input. And because I believe that the quality of life you experience is directly proportional to the quality of attention you give it.

Over these last 17 years, I have dedicated countless hours of my time to my community -- as an elected official on the city council, as an appointed board member to various agencies and commissions and (mostly) as a volunteer for so many activities too numerous to mention. Here are a few of my most notable activities:

Sylvan Old Auburn Road Neighborhood Association (SOAR) (1998-present)
SOAR is incorporated as a non-profit organization and has a 5-member Board of Directors. I have served as President of SOAR since 1999, elected by the membership. Under my direction, SOAR is one of the more active neighborhood associations of the city. As its president, I am responsible for the adoption and implementation of its many programs.

  • Annual Senior Health Fair From 2008 to 2019, SOAR has partnered with the Sunrise Recreation and Park District to sponsor an annual event every May dedicated to seniors and their needs. We invite exhibitors from all over the region to present information to seniors and their caregivers about resources and programs available to them. Over the years, we have varied the program: over 65 exhibitors (no sales allowed), lectures, demonstrations, entertainment, panel discussions. Thanks to our sponsor partners (City of Citrus Heights, SMUD, Republic Services, Dignity Health, Northwest Neighborhood, Arcade Creek Neighborhood, Park Oaks Neighborhood, and others), the event is free to all. Recognizing the many partnerships it takes to produce such an event, in 2009, SOAR received the prestigious Neighborhood of the Year award presented by Neighborhoods USA (NUSA).
  • SOAR SERVES SENIORS Every Christmas since 2013, partnering with Meals On Wheels, I have delivered food and other essentials to seniors. SOAR members generously donate the cash & food and other items. I dress as Santa and I am accompanied by my elf. About 6 years ago, we added a visit from the Spring Chicken and the Easter Bunny, serving fresh vegetables from the Farmer's Market, Easter fun stuff and more shelf-stable food.
  • Arcade Creek Park Preserve In 2013, SOAR organized a community clean-up of 10+ acres of undeveloped land owned by the county. The Sunrise Recreation and Park District received a $3.6 million grant to develop the site as a park, while preserving the many natural features. Over 140 volunteers participated in the "From Labor to Legacy" event. In 2015, SOAR sponsored another phase of the project and asking 100 volunteers to plant trees and shrubs.In 2018, SOAR funded the Arcade Creek Sensory Trail. It's a section of the trail with special educational features especially for visually challenged but for all nature lovers.

  • 9-1-1 House Numbers . One of our neighborhood improvement projects is to provide every home and business with a reflective address number for emergency vehicles to find more easily, especially at night. Without curb or gutter and with large front setbacks, so many of our addresses are invisible. The signs are free if you live or own a business within SOAR's boundaries.  The signs are funded by a Neighborhood Improvement Project grant from the City.

Some other SOAR projects:

  • Free Bike Helmets for Kids (2002, 2003), partnering with Mercy San Juan Medical Center
  • Christmas for the Seniors of SOAR (2001-2005), partnering with Senior Gleaners' Cut Ups, Carriage Elementary School, Pioneer Baptist Church youth group, we visited senior homes, sang carols and presented gifts that had been donated.
  • Caring Neighborhoods (1999-present): SOAR members help their senior and disabled neighbors to do those little tasks that need to be done -- or just do something to lift their spirits.
  • "It's For the Birds" - our annual yard sale, raises funds that we donate to other community groups: domestic violence, veterans, senior programs, San Juan High School Centennial
  • TNT Fireworks stand, raising monies for projects such as the Arcade Creek Park Preserve and other projects. BUT I HATE HATE the illegal ones that have overrun our community and I support tough laws and their enforcement.
  • SOAR participates in community events: Family Funday, the annual Red, White and Blue Parade

Residents Empowerment Association of Citrus Heights (REACH) 1998-present
I was involved in organizing this group and have served on its Board of Directors. REACH was the brainchild of Bill Hughes, our late mayor, who believed that good democracy required citizen participation; and good government required citizen involvement. I passionately share that vision with him.

R.E.A.C.H. is an organization with 10 Directors, representing the 10 Neighborhood Associations of Citrus Heights.

  • REACH serves as a funnel for information from the City to its residents and from the residents to the City.
  • REACH provides a forum for discussion of community concerns.
  • REACH provides input to the city on neighborhood requests for funding for neighborhood improvement projects.
  • REACH sponsors and participates in many community projects and events, too numerous to mention.

Other community activities

  • Polish American Club of Sacramento -- I believe we should celebrate our heritage
  • F.B.I. Citizen's Academy
  • I'm a huge fan of the Citrus Heights Marching Band!

You can contact Dr. Jayna:

by cell phone: (916)599-DOGS (3647)
by e-mail: vetlaw@drjayna.com
by snail mail: 6929 Larkspur Avenue, CH 95610